Saturday, March 16, 2013

It's Award Time - Happy to receive Leibster Blog Award !!!!!!!!

I've started blogging for just a timepass only. Before,, my days were simply face booking, sleeping , watching movies only......But now I'm a serious blogger..I find more happiness and comfort in it.,,

Okay,,What is a Leibster blog Award.???????

Last day,while I was checking my comments box, I've seen that an award has been given to me by my dear blogger friend Nisha of My Food Express..I was so much excited!!1My Blog is only 2 weeks old. Yes, a new born baby!!!Proof of someone likes my blog and wishes to encourage me!!!. Very First, thank you so much Nisha for remembering me .....I really don't know about it..But I am really thankful and honoured!!!...When I saw it, can u guess what I did...Yes!!!!!!!!The usual routine of mine...Any unknown things come, just googling............ The following are the results given by Google for my search "What is Leibster Blog Award?"

Leibster Blog Award Rules

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog and link back to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees.
3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 bloggers who you feel deserve to be noticed. These blogs must have 200 followers or less. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been nominated by you.
4. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog. Post all the items listed in item 2 on your blog also.
11 random things about myself!!!!!
  1. I love travelling ...Yes ,to anywhere in the world..But I prefer the places where the nature's serene beauty can be example..Our Kerala!!!!!!
  2. I live in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia with my husband and my one and only son..But I always tend to visit Kerala. My Friends are saying that my one leg is in Saudi and the other is in Kerala..I can't stay here for a continuous  6 months time..Then I made any silly reason and run to my parents ...
  3. My father is the most influential person in my life...and he has the most impact on me yesterday,today and tomorrow.
  4. I like to walk around the 1 to 10 Riyal shops here..I may not  buy any single piece..but I love to watch it only!!!!!!!!
  5. My favourite quote that I had got from my dad is that "BE GOOD,DO GOOD"
  6. My husband likes simple Kerala food only..So my cooking shrunk into that area ..........
  7. I always pay more attention to my son's lunch box..
  8. I need more hours in a day
  9. I badly miss the mango trees in my mother's house
  10. I grew up and practised on my mom's cooking and her delectable  dishes
  11. I like to become a master chef in the Traditional Malabar Varieties and some easy Desserts!!!!
Off to the 11 questions of Nisha's and my answers
  • If you wish for something, what would you wish for?
Ans: I wish to get back my childhood and the quarrels with my bro and sis..In all quarrels , i was the common factor.
  • What is your hobby?
Ans: Now,it's blogging....But actually it is searching for new dishes and cooking
  • Favourite Ice Cream?
Shall I tell a truth???????I don't like Ice creams even when I was a small girl too!!!But now it is a blessing..Otherwise I can't imagine what my weight is,because ,,,for diet sake, I can't resist my favourite foods.
  •  Love to drive/ride a car/Plane/Helicopter/Bike?
Actually i don't know driving..But it is my biggest dream ..Going to office in my car driving by me..myself and parks infront of my office ...
  • Favourite Fruit and Vegetable?
Fruit - Banana      Vegetable - Potato
  • Love to buy a _______________?
Single Storeyed Small House near my Office in Kerala
  • Favourite Magazine?
Simply Simple..Vanita
  • Describe yourself in a word?
  • Most memorable moment in your life?
First seen my son's face 
  • If you have a superpower what you will do?
I will fly
  • Favourite Quote?
Life isn't a matter of milestones , but of moments........- Rose Kennedy

Off to the questions of mine to my blogger friends...

  1. Who is the most influential person in your life?
  2. What is your most favourite thing about yourself?
  3. What is your favourite snack?
  4. Where would be your next vacation?
  5. What made you start blogging?
  6. Which is your favourite season?
  7. What makes you smile?
  8. What is your dream career?
  9. When you were a child, what was your ambition to become?
  10. You like sunrise or sunset?
  11. Your favourite food and drink?

I would like to nominate these delicious blogs for this award...
  1. Ritu of
  2. Beena of
  3. Misha of
  4. Shema of
  5. Jayashree of
  6. Pramitha of
  7. Achu of
  8. Veena of
  9. Roshni of
  10. Brinda of
  11. Asha of


  1. thank you dear for passing this award to me...

  2. Happy to know about you shaain :) Seeing the face of our newborns is sure one of the most memorable magical moment in life :)

  3. congratulations... it is a part of being in the blogger world... :)

  4. Congratzz dear..came 2 c dis now only..:)
