Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Honey Yogurt Cake - A great honour

Alhamdulillah!!!!!I’m here with a guest post from my dear friend and a talented blogger Rafeeda of The Big Sweet Tooth. I think that no one requires an introduction of this busy mom of two beautiful angels.Actually as I had been so busy  for the past 2 months with some office works , I could not feed my blog properly and unfortunately I don’t have any drafts also there  to post. And I was very thrilled ,excited and above all honored , when my dear Rafee, gave me a chance to have her with a delicious post in my small space…and the post is something that my small blog is really craving for…ie. A ”Honey Yogurt Cake” 

Rafee usually posts something inspirational and motivational pictures along with her recipes and here I’m also following her with a beautiful quote .

Over to Rafee…
Salaam to everybody…

I am so glad that I am being featured on one of my good friend’s blog. Shahina, even though she lives in a different place than mine and I have never met her personally, there is a bond that we have built over our virtual communications. She basically feels like somebody who is my next door neighbor, very innocent and down to earth. When I noticed that she was going through a low patch on her blog, I thought to myself, she is somebody who would have loved to keep her blog running and there must be something that is holding her back. So I messaged her to enquire the reason of her unusual silence. She seems to be packed up with a lot of backlog on her work front and is not getting time to feed her blog. I then just casually asked her if she would be OK if I give her a guest post so that at least there is some movement on her blog. She so excitedly reverted back to me with a “yes”.

This incident happened almost three weeks ago. Now you can see that instead of her, I am the one who is delaying the post! J I have also been caught up with a lot of things, but then somehow, Alhamdulillah,  I have been able to manage my blog with random posts here and there. Doing a guest post, albeit interesting, can be slightly stressful, as you have to think what to give the person you are doing it for. Shaai, as I like to call her, has a lot of “naadan” food on her blog, which are so unique to Kerala.  I really feel that whenever I have to cook up some Kerala food. One more thing is that she hardly has any sweet stuff on her blog – I mean she is more into spicy food than anything else. And being the person I am – a big sweet tooth, just like my blog name! – I decided I will give her something sweet as well!!!

A little intro to the followers of Shaain’s Cooknotes – my name is Rafeeda, a working mother of two little daughters, a Keralite based in UAE who runs the blog “The Big Sweet Tooth”. I take cooking as a stress buster to release the pressure of my day-to-day life and absolutely love it to the core!!! Shaai had featured on my blog some time ago in my “Be My Guest” series, and I had since then fallen in love with the humble bumblebee that she is!

The recipe I thought I would share with her is a cake that I had baked for breakfast a couple of weeks ago. The subtle flavors of honey and yogurt made such a fantastic combination that I could really say that this is one of my favorite bakes done in the recent future! Without much ado, we go to the recipe then…

Honey Yogurt Cake
Serves 6


1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup thick yogurt
1/2 cup oil
1 tsp vanilla essence
1-1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
A pinch of salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder


Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. Grease and flour a 6 inch pan and keep aside. 

Combine the wet ingredients in a bowl and mix with a whisk till well incorporated. Mix all the dry ingredients in another dry bowl till well incorporated. Slowly transfer the dry ingredients into the wet mixture and mix till well incorporated. Please note that the batter will be really thick, so don't panic! 

Transfer the mixture into the greased pan and level the top with a spatula. Bake for 40-45 minutes till a toothpick pricked in the center comes out clean. Cool in the pan for 10 minutes, transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Serve plain or with a scoop of cream, along with a cup of hot tea! The cake tastes just good as it is!

Thank you Shaai for having me over, I hope you will soon get back to blogging ferociously as you were doing before. I seriously miss your chicken, beef and fish dishes! Hope all the readers of this lovely space have enjoyed the recipe. I sincerely appreciate the time you have given me to go through this humble post! God bless and have a good day… 



  1. dee... i'm so overwhlemed by the introduction... jazakallah khairan, may Allah bless ur lovely mind... :) :) and that quote is definitely lovely, a little dose that i need at this stage of my life... :) so glad that u enjoyed the post...

  2. Hi first time here...........happy to c u thru Rafee............beautiful cake and wonderful space............

  3. Lovely Guest post Rafee & Shahina. And a yummy cake too Rafee

  4. First time here. Very happy to know more about you. Nice post Rafeeda and Shahina.

  5. Lovely guest post both of you :) Thanks for sharing this recipe raff :)

  6. First time here...happy to have come across ur space through Rafeeda...u indeed have a great repository of recipes :)

  7. Yummy looking cake Rafee....
    Shahi miss those ugran curries..

  8. First time here.. From Rafees space.. :) Lovely space n a lovely recipe.. Kudos to both for this post

  9. Thank you rafee...and everyone who have reached here through her and your valuable comments....Thank you so much!!!!!!!
